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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Spring Forward!

Spring Forward! That's right! I have determined since Spring has arrived it is time for me to Spring Forward out of my chair and get into shape! Since me and my husband met we have gained 30 pounds each....I know when you fall in love and you are happy that you tend to eat more not worrying about what anyone thinks because you are content with each other. I love my husband and I am very content in our marriage, but my weight is definitely a problem. I had lost between 20-30 pounds before I met my husband and now I am at my all time heaviest. So Monday was Day 1 on my journey to a new me! My husband and mom have agreed to ride bikes with me as much as possible and my husband and I began working out on our exercise machine (the one that had been gathering dust for the past few months). I am watching what I eat and converted to more mountain dew :( I love that stuff...and I am off on my new adventure to a new me! Wish me luck!


  1. How funny that the two of us are on the same thought! I just posted about how I have all the fill in the blank reasons why I'm not dieting, LOL.

    Wishing us both luck!

  2. Work it girl!!!! LOL I know you will do great
